Have fun! Aprenda um pouco mais sobre a Páscoa!

Watch the video:
2. Complete the sentences acording to the video:
Jesus was a man who taught about God in _______________(1)
He performed miracles like _______________(2)
Some religious leaders didn't like Jesus, especially his claim to be _______________(3)
Jesus warned his disciples that he would _______________(4)
Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, not as a mighty king as _______________(5)
Jesus criticized the temple for being like a _______________(6)
Judas betrayed Jesus to the religious leaders for _______________(7)
Jesus appeared to his disciples, proving he had risen from the dead with _______________(8).
Jesus explained that his death was a _______________(9), offering eternal life to believers.
Jesus ascended to heaven, promising to return and make all things new, urging his followers to _______________(10).
3. Read the text
Easter is a spring festival of new life. For Christians, it's a very important festival which marks the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and many attend special church services. Many non-Christians also have a holiday at this time, so it is a popular time for spending time with friends and family. We see lots of symbols of new life at Easter, especially eggs, chicks, flowers and rabbits. These symbols go back to ancient pagan traditions which celebrated fertility, rebirth and new growth after the long winter months.
Read the full article here: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/study-break/magazine-zone/easter
4. Easter Vocabulary:
5. Easter Traditions Quiz time:
Extra Exercise
The Easter Island Statues https://ngllife.com/easter-island-statues
Answer key:
2. (1) Israel 2,000 years ago; (2) healing the sick and feeding thousands; (3) God; (4) die and come back to life; (5) expected; (6) marketplace; (7) money; (8) scars from his crucifixion; (9) sacrifice for humanity's sins; (10) share his message worldwide
